Tejas S. Aralere

Graduate Student
Ancient Science; Cognitive Classics; Comparative Religion (Medit. & South Asian); History of Sanskrit and Classical Philology
HSSB 4061
Personal Website:


My work investigates the globalization of scientific discourse in antiquity with a focus on India, Rome, and Greece in an effort to challenge the Orientalist narrative that rational scientific thought originated in Enlightenment-era Europe and made its way East through colonialism. My dissertation project specifically studies the development and use of melothesia which is the arrangement (thesis) of the 12 Babylonian zodiac signs on parts (melos) of the human body) in Manilius’ Astronomica (~20-40 CE) and Sphujidhvaja’s Yavana Jātaka trans. “Greek Horoscopy” (2nd-4th cent. CE). My project explores melothesia and cosmic-corporeal connectivity through religious metaphysics, the language of bonds (foedera and bandhus), and medicine (Hippocratic and Ayurvedic.)

For my CV and other research projects click here: www.tsaralere.com



Aralere, T.S.  “The Crossroads of Hellenistic and Sanskrit Science”. Wiley Blackwell Companion to Greek and Roman Science, Medicine, and Technology.  Ed. G.L. Irby. (2016)

Murray, J.R., Stanciauskas, M.E., Aralere, T.S., Saha, M.S. “Dissection and Downstream Analysis of Zebra Finch Embryos at Early Stages of Development”. J. Vis. Exp. (2013).

You can hear me talk about my work here as part of the NYU Ancient Studies’ Emerging Scholars Series: https://as.nyu.edu/ancientstudies/center-videos/emerging-scholars-videos.html

I am also a Crossroads Project Fellow for the Unconscious Memory Project. Learn more about it here: https://unconsciousmemory.english.ucsb.edu/tejas-aralere/