Kaine Byrne
Pronouns: he/him/his
My path through higher education began at Mills College in Oakland, and after two years there I transferred here to UCSB to major in Classics. After obtaining a BA in Classical Archaeology, I have decided to stay here to pursue a PhD, and shift gears to focus on an emphasis in ancient history. I completed an honors thesis with Dr. Brice Erickson, which closely examined the unique significance Arcadia had to the second century “travel writer” Pausanias in his Periegesis; and Dr. Robert Morstein-Marx oversaw my senior capstone project on the imagines maiorum, or Roman ancestor masks. The latter project Dr. Morstein-Marx and I are refining with an eye to possible publication in the future.
I often say I’m interested in everything, though a broad label for my potential focus in graduate studies is gender and sexuality, particularly male homosociality and homosexuality in the ancient world.