Carissa Chappell headshot

Carissa Chappell Wins the 2024 John J. Winkler Memorial Prize Competition

We are delighted to announce that Carissa Chappell’s essay “Leaving No Trace: Reading the Asexual Possibility in Leucippe and Cleitophon” has been selected as the winning essay in the 2024 John J. Winkler Memorial Prize competition.

The Prize is intended to honor the memory of John J. (“Jack”) Winkler, a classical scholar, teacher, and political activist for radical causes both within and outside the academy, who died of AIDS in 1990 at the age of 46. Jack believed that the profession as a whole discourages young scholars from exploring neglected or disreputable topics, and from applying unconventional or innovative methods to their scholarship. He wished to be remembered by means of an annual Prize that would encourage such efforts. In accordance with his wishes, the John J. Winkler Memorial trust awards a prize each year to the author of the best student essay in an adventurous or marginal field of classical studies. Topics include (but are not limited to) those that Jack himself explored: the ancient novel, the sex/gender systems of antiquity, the social meanings of Greek drama, and ancient Mediterranean culture and society. Approaches include (but are not limited to) those that Jack’s own work exemplified: feminism, anthropology, narratology, semiotics, cultural studies, ethnic studies, and lesbian/gay studies. 

Congratulations, Carissa!