Schedule of Events:
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Nick Bartos (UCLA): “Far from Home: Diaspora Networks, Religion, and Identity Abroad on the Ancient Indian Ocean”
12:00 PM
1:30 PM
LOREL Lab (UCSB): “Cognitive Geographics of Catastrophe Narratives: Georeferenced Interview Transcriptions as Language Resource for Models of Forced Displacement”
3:00 PM
Mark Algee-Hewitt (Stanford University): Title TBD
For further information, please contact Prof. Lamar.
Colloquium co-organized by Erin Lam and Helen Morales. Confirmed participants include: Sukaina Hirji (Penn); Kelly Nguyen (UCLA); Hannah Silverblank (independent scholar); and Mathura Umachandran (Exeter, UK).
Contemporary perceptions of the natural and built environment, as well as ideas about nature and art, were intertwined with the architectural and decorative trends of the Early Imperial period. In this presentation, I trace this process by examining ways in which the transformation of the natural and built environment and contemporary perceptions of it, as well as ideas about nature and art, related to the new architectural and decorative mannerisms of this period. I tackle the interrelation between real, visual, and virtual pictorial spaces in Roman villas, examining the ways in which the framing of painted and actual views of landscapes in Roman luxury villas moves between perceptual and conceptual space and transgresses traditional notions of pictoriality, and in so doing materializes the natural world into landscape in the Early Imperial period.
AIA Lecture.